Community Services & Civil & Human Rights

Steve Adams
Community Services and Civil & Human Rights Chairman
The Local Union Community Services Committee acquaints members with the community's health and welfare services - how they can be reached and what kinds of programs they offer. Social services are an important part of any town, but they cannot serve citizens in need who are unaware of them.
The Committee can refer to community welfare agencies, in a sympathetic and confidential manner, fellow members who may need advice or aid in a family or personal health or welfare problem. By giving counseling and referral, we help our members and their families to solve problems that are outside and beyond the work site; as an example:
- Alcoholism
- Blood Services
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Disaster Preparedness
- Drug Addiction
- Elderly Services
- HIV/AIDS Education
- Financial Aid - Counseling
- Food - Housing
- Medical Care
- Mental Health Services
- Services for Disabilities
- Spousal Abuse
- Strike/Lockout Assistance
- Unemployment
- And many other personal and family problems
The priority of the Civil and Human Rights Department is to provide technical expertise in handling discrimination problems and situations; to conduct education and training seminars on civil and human rights; and to develop resource materials for regional and local union representatives.
The functions of the UAW Civil and Human Rights Department are directed by members of the International Executive Board who are appointed by the president of the International Union, UAW for this purpose.
The director of the Civil and Human Rights Department is responsible for overseeing:
- The investigation and processing of all appeals forwarded to the Civil and Human Rights Department.
- The investigation and responses to all complaints filed against the local unions or the International Union with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), State Fair Employment Practices Agencies or Civil Rights Commission pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended.
- The technical assistance provided to the International Executive Board, regional directors, and local unions in establishing Civil and Human Rights Committees and on matters that may have disparate impact on members.
- The technical assistance provided to the regional directors in the achievement of their regional Civil and Human Rights conferences and trainings.